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The Nutty Bench started as an afternoon drive…+ a U-Turn!

Turn around! Turn around!!!

We came across a house that was selling birdhouses + tiny, wooden picnic benches on the front lawn. You could walk up, take one + put your money in an old coffee can to pay. A very trusting person owned that home + we thought the tables were cute. There was a sign that had fallen down near the tables + when I picked it up to replace it, I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was a picture of a squirrel + it was sitting at the table eating!

Hysterically cute…right? I thought so too!

We then started thinking, let’s have some fun with this! Let’s make some tables, come up with a name, a cute logo, + show it to our friends. The names we came up with were funny…and yes…some “suggestive” as well! HAHA! I mean, you can imagine what you can come up with the words squirrel, nuts, bench…etc.

We decided on The Nutty Bench + the rest was history!

When we shared pictures of squirrels sitting on benches with our friends, we were surprised to see that just about everyone wanted one! And not just one, they wanted more for gifts as well! Word about The Nutty Bench got around so quickly, we began shipping them to people we knew around the country!

We were really surprised to see how many people enjoyed our bushy tailed friends with us! So much so, that we decided to put together a website for people to order them as well as social media links where people can post pictures + videos of the benches at their homes. We told our friends to customize the benches, take some photos or videos + post them on our Facebook + Instagram pages.

Well, the smiles + laughs the posts provided have shown us all that the world could use a little silliness right now.

We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!